Contact Details
- 0191 5262006
Shotton Primary School
Grange Terrace, Shotton Colliery
Durham DH6 2JP
Shotton Primary
and Nursery School
Our Religious Education Curriculum
At Shotton Primary School, it is our intent to deliver a high quality RE curriculum that promotes the spiritual, moral, social, cultural and intellectual development of children. It is important that the curriculum helps all pupils irrespective of ability to understand the world and their place in it.
RE is taught discretely. Lessons are clearly and logically planned to allow children to reflect and develop their knowledge and skills as well as their cultural and spiritual awareness.
The purpose of our RE curriculum is to provide children with a depth of knowledge and understanding regarding Christianity and other principal religions such as Buddhism, Islam, Sikhism, Hinduism and Judaism as well as religious traditions and world views. Through investigation and enquiry, children are taught to critically think and personally reflect on their own feelings, ideas and values in order to develop their own sense of identity and belonging.
Learning today for a successful tomorrow...
It is our belief that the impact of our RE curriculum allows children to gain a greater understanding of themselves and a more empathetic awareness of the needs of others. This enables children to become better equipped to cope with the responsibilities and experiences of adult life.
Shotton Primary School
Grange Terrace, Shotton Colliery
Durham DH6 2JP