Contact Details
- 0191 5262006
Shotton Primary School
Grange Terrace, Shotton Colliery
Durham DH6 2JP
Shotton Primary
and Nursery School
The Friends of Shotton Primary School (Parent Teacher Association - PTA) is an organisation of parents and staff. Its role is to fundraise for the school and encourage closer links between home and school.
How is the Friends of Shotton Primary School organised?
At Shotton Primary School, like most schools, all parents/carers and staff are automatically members of the PTA and are welcome to all general committee meetings.
We hold our annual general meeting in September, at the start of the school year. At this meeting a committee is elected to run the PTA consisting of a chair, vice-chair, treasurer and a secretary. An overview of finances is shared.
The committee usually meets once a term and may set up smaller working groups to organise individual events under the direction and agreement of the whole group.
Aims of the PTA
It is not the purpose of the PTA to raise or discuss individual pupil or parent concerns. Such matters should be raised through the appropriate channels following school procedures.
PTAs help raise much needed money by organising and managing various fundraisers throughout the year. The money raised by the PTA is used to promote educational opportunities such as learning resources, to enrichment opportunities, such as themed days or trips.
PTAs tend to raise money through a wide range of fundraising events over the course of the year. At our school these include annual events such as the Summer Fair and school disco. However, there are other opportunities to raise funds through donations such as cake sales, sponsored activities or business partnerships.
One of the primary roles of the PTA is to build strong relationships among teachers, staff, children and the community at large. Relationships are built through positive communications. The PTA share messages via the school newsletter or via letters to parents sent through the school.
The PTA work collectively as a group for the benefit of all of the children of Shotton Primary School. Meetings are led by the Chair and in the Chair’s absence the Vice Chair. Any items for discussion need to be sent to the Chair in advance of the meeting. Items that are A.O.B can be noted and added as an agenda item for the following meeting but will not be included in the decision-making process of that meeting. All opinions are valued and any member can ask to add items to the meeting agenda, however where opinions differ, a majority view will be sought on a voting basis if required.
Consultation and Governance
The PTA Committee must keep the Head Teacher and Governors informed about activities and key decisions through meetings between the PTA Chair, Headteacher and the Chair of the Governors. Minutes and a record of notes from PTA meetings should be maintained and shared following meetings.
If you would like to be an active member of our PTA please pop in, give us a call or email us at
If you have any suggestions you would like the PTA to follow up, please let them know here
Shotton Primary School
Grange Terrace, Shotton Colliery
Durham DH6 2JP