Contact Details
- 0191 5262006
Shotton Primary School
Grange Terrace, Shotton Colliery
Durham DH6 2JP
Shotton Primary
and Nursery School
Our PSHE Curriculum
At Shotton Primary School, it is our intent to deliver a high-quality PSHE curriculum that develop skills and attributes such as resilience, self-esteem, risk-management, team-working and critical thinking in the context of three core themes: health and well-being, relationships and living in the wider world. It is vital that our curriculum helps all pupils irrespective of ability to understand the world and their place in it.
Our strong PSHE curriculum is developed from the thematic planning model and resources advocated by the PSHE Association. It is important to help our pupils develop into well-rounded members of society, who are able to make a positive contribution to their community. At Shotton Primary School, our PSHE curriculum is strongly linked to our relationships and health education (RSE), pastoral care and support and the promotion of British Values.
Pupils will learn to:
PSHE is taught discretely each week and also through key events and dates throughout the year e.g. Black History Month, National Holocaust Memorial Day, National Online Safety Day, Anti Bullying Week and Stephen Lawrence Day. Lessons are clearly, logically and progressively planned to allow children to reflect and develop their knowledge, skills and attributes that they need to keep themselves healthy and safe and prepared for life and work.
Learning today for a successful tomorrow...
It is our belief that the impact of PSHE curriculum equips children with the knowledge and skills needed to develop into well-rounded members of society, who are able to make a positive contribution to their community. Our PSHE curriculum is an essential means by which we can reduce the vulnerabilities of our children and enable them to safely meet the contextual challenges of our wider and immediate community .
Shotton Primary School
Grange Terrace, Shotton Colliery
Durham DH6 2JP