Contact Details
- 0191 5262006
Shotton Primary School
Grange Terrace, Shotton Colliery
Durham DH6 2JP
Shotton Primary
and Nursery School
Chartwells provides our school meals service. Children have lunch in the nursery dining room.
Nursery children who attend for 2 ½ Nursery days a week are offered the opportunity to have either a school meal or bring a packed lunch. Nursery lunches are offered on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday lunchtimes. Children have lunch in their own supervised dining room, within the Nursery environment.
Menus are sent out each term. We also have a meal booking system via ParentPay which allows you and your child to choose what your child eats from a selection of menus. This system means that every child can have a meal of their choice.
In Nursery only those children who receive education both before and after the lunch period, will be eligible to receive a school meal. These children are those who attend either at the beginning or at the end of the week. We ask the parents / carers of these children to complete a form to allow us to check if their child is eligible for free school meals due to income.
For the safety of pupils who have nut allergies, this school is a nutfree zone.
Please do not include any nuts, nut products or chocolate spread in your child’s packed lunch. We do not allow fizzy or isotonic drinks as they are high in sugar.
Shotton Primary School
Grange Terrace, Shotton Colliery
Durham DH6 2JP