Contact Details
- 0191 5262006
Shotton Primary School
Grange Terrace, Shotton Colliery
Durham DH6 2JP
Shotton Primary
and Nursery School
How Can You Help Your Child With Phonics?
In school your child has daily phonic lessons and reads every day. So that your child becomes an even better reader there are many things that you can do at home to support your child to become a fluent reader.
Here you will find links to lots of useful and fun videos on the Ruth Miskin Portal that you can use with your child at home to reinforce their learning in school. Each video is for a specific sound that they will need to know on sight and use when reading. You will know which sound your child is learning as it will be identified on the front cover of their current home reading book.
Mrs Watson, Deputy Head Teacher, is also our Early Reading Lead. If you need any further information or support in terms of supporting your child with phonics please contact Mrs Watson and she will be delighted to help provide advice and support.
Shotton Primary School
Grange Terrace, Shotton Colliery
Durham DH6 2JP