Contact Details
- 0191 5262006
Shotton Primary School
Grange Terrace, Shotton Colliery
Durham DH6 2JP
Shotton Primary
and Nursery School
Our Online Safety Curriculum
At Shotton Primary School we take the teaching of online safety seriously. It is rightly given prominence within our curriculum.
We believe that a good, consistent and proactive approach to teaching children how to keep themselves safe online is more effective than telling them to keep away from social media. This is simply because in the modern world social media is not confined to the likes of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, but forms an integral part of the majority of online activities, games consoles and smart phone apps, which our children readily have access to on a daily basis.
Our teaching of online safety is based upon the best practice guidance 'Education for a Connected World' which provides a framework to equip children and young people for a digital life. We fully utilise resources and planning from The National Online Safety Centre and aim to also equip our parents and carers with essential knowledge to reinforce teaching and learning about online safety.
Online safety is taught as a subject in its own right in a coherently planned and sequence of logical steps in order to develop children’s knowledge, confidence, competence vocabulary and skills in online safety with regards to:
It is important that children are taught to navigate content safely and considerately and make sure that they have the vocabulary, confidence, knowledge, skills and awareness to raise anything that they are not sure about and which makes them and others feel worried, frightened, uncomfortable, embarrassed or upset.
Learning today for a successful tomorrow...
At Shotton Primary School we see our online safety curriculum running alongside our PSHE and computing curriculums and as a platform upon which children can learn and develop some of the transferable employability skills of listening, speaking, problem solving, creativity, staying positive, aiming high, leadership and teamwork.
It is important that children realise that all actions have consequences, and in the case of social media, comments and images that could cause offense can remain online for years to come. They are explicitly taught about their own digital footprint. What is considered a harmless, throwaway statement or joke today could have serious implications in later life.
Shotton Primary School
Grange Terrace, Shotton Colliery
Durham DH6 2JP