Contact Details
- 0191 5262006
Shotton Primary School
Grange Terrace, Shotton Colliery
Durham DH6 2JP
Shotton Primary
and Nursery School
An Overview
It is intended that the following information will help to develop, extend and raise your awareness as either a parent, grandparent or child as to how e-safety is everyone's responsibility.
Mrs Shaw, as Head Teacher, is the Designated Lead for Safeguarding.
Mrs Collins is the Safeguarding and Attendance Officer.
Mrs Chaytor, as Deputy Head Teacher, is a nominated Deputy for Child Protection
Through our website, we aim to provide useful advice and information to make the world of computing, information and coding a safer place to be for you and your children. Please keep revisiting this section of our website.
In today's society children, young people and adults interact with technologies such as mobile phones, games consoles, social networking sites and the internet on a daily basis, experiencing a wide range of opportunities, information, attitudes and situations. The exchange of ideas, social interaction and learning opportunities involved, are greatly beneficial to all, but can very much place children, young people and adults in danger.
Therefore it is necessary to have an e-safety policy with clear guidelines, procedures, systems and protocols.
E-safety covers issues relating to children and young peple aswell as adults and their safe use of the internet, mobile phones and other electronic communications both in and outside of school. It includes education for all members of the school community on risk and responsibilities and is part of the duty of care which applies to everyone working with children.
As a school we are aware that children and staff cannot be completely prevented from being exposed to risks both on and offline. Children should be empowered and educated so that they are equipped with the skills to make safe and responsible decisions as well as to feel able to report any concerns in a timely manner.
Everyone in our community needs to be aware of the importance of good e-safety practice everywhere and take full ownership of their responsibilities. Parental controls, responsibility and awareness of and for children's online behaviours are an essential part of e-safety for our children.
E-safety is a whole school and community issue.
Shotton Primary School
Grange Terrace, Shotton Colliery
Durham DH6 2JP